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Thought Leadership By Our Team

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2023 Intentions

People who explicitly make make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't. What are yours?

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Estate Plan Fall Tune-Up

Constructing an appropriate estate plan requires a substantial investment of time, money and emotion. Once the documents are finalized, they often sit in a drawer and are forgotten, an item checked off a to-do list.

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Cash Is Not Trash Anymore

With significant stock market volatility since the beginning of the year, the Federal Reserve continuing to raise interest rates to quell inflation, the war in Europe dragging on, and the mid-term elections occurring next month, it makes a lot of sense to keep a portion of your investment portfolio in cash until markets settle down.

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Give the Gift of Education With 529 Plan Contributions

A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged investment account originally designed to help families pay for college. The earlier you start saving, the greater you will benefit from tax-free compounding. Withdrawals from these plans are tax-free as long as the funds are spent toward qualified education expenses.

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Inflation Primer

Since the fall of 2021, the US inflation rate as represented by the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) has been steadily rising. The rate hit a high of 8.6% for the 12 months ending May 2022. This means, in May, prices were on average almost 9% higher than they were last May.

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Planning for a Family Vacation Home

Family vacation homes are a treasure for many of us, often providing fond memories for multiple generations. Successful planning for a vacation home requires thoughtful consideration of all of the interests of family members involved both now and in the future.

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