Relationship Reversal: Adult Child as Caregiver
One of the more difficult things in life is when you have to acknowledge that your relationship with your parents takes a twist and you become the caregiver.
One of the more difficult things in life is when you have to acknowledge that your relationship with your parents takes a twist and you become the caregiver.
This is a good month to take stock of relationships that are important to you. Investing in friends and hobbies is an important part of life planning.
The year 2022 never had a chance of success as witnessed by the first week of trading that saw record new highs in early January erased within days, followed by a correction (-10%) and a bear market (-20%) in equities in a short period of time.
Last year, we titled our outlook piece “Year of Fed Tightening” and put the focus on the Federal Reserve because we believed it held the majority of control over the path of the economy and the markets.
By far the most difficult part of a financial plan is determining how much you spend. Few people can quantify their annual spend rate, so you are not alone. Here is a worksheet to help you get started
Congress passed a long-awaited retirement bill, dubbed “SECURE Act 2.0,” in late December as part of a broader omnibus spending bill.
Getting control of your financial life is one of the top New Year’s resolutions. We’ve compiled a checklist of suggestions to help you get started on this goal.
People who explicitly make make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't. What are yours?
With less than a month left in this calendar year, we want to remind you of a few last-minute financial moves that you might want to consider.
Although many of us have been enjoying the warm fall weather, the winter holidays are right around the corner! Please find our highly anticipated gift list:
Equity markets stayed positive all month despite slowing economic data and muted earnings reports. All major U.S. equity indexes were up with the only negative monthly return seen in emerging markets, down -3.1%.
With the upcoming “Millionaire’s Tax” ballot initiative in Massachusetts (“MA”) proposing to tax people earning over a $1,000,000 an extra 4%, and the fact that Massachusetts is one of only 17 states to have an estate or inheritance tax....
Constructing an appropriate estate plan requires a substantial investment of time, money and emotion. Once the documents are finalized, they often sit in a drawer and are forgotten, an item checked off a to-do list.
Equity markets already had the worst first half start in over 50 years, and after a late summer rebound, the S&P 500 found a new low by quarter-end. During the quarter, markets looked to the Fed’s harsher stance on combatting inflation and got less optimistic about a Fed rate pause and achieving a soft economic landing.
With significant stock market volatility since the beginning of the year, the Federal Reserve continuing to raise interest rates to quell inflation, the war in Europe dragging on, and the mid-term elections occurring next month, it makes a lot of sense to keep a portion of your investment portfolio in cash until markets settle down.