2025 Important Numbers
2025 Important Numbers
2025 Important Numbers
Choosing when to claim Social Security benefits is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make in retirement. The timing of your claim can significantly impact your overall benefits, potentially affecting your long-term financial security.
The allure of living abroad can promise a better climate, a lower cost of living, and a higher quality of life if you find the right country to move to in your golden years. A retirement visa is one document that can help you turn that retirement goal into a reality.
Social Security payments have been coming out of your paycheck for your entire career, and many workers feel strongly that they want to begin taking their Social Security retirement benefit as soon as they’re eligible at age 62.
The 2023 fiscal year-end government funding bill contained legislation that makes the most significant changes to the U.S. retirement savings system in decades. The SECURE 2.0 Act builds on retirement savings changes passed in 2019 and contains new provisions that further raise the required minimum distribution (RMD) age, shift to automatic plan enrollment and provide for new matching/emergency withdrawal opportunities.
With January being designated as “Financial Wellness Month,” we encourage you to start the new year embracing new possibilities and setting financial goals as a first step in working toward a more secure financial future. It’s a great time to work on improving your financial health and to take a hard look at our financial habits. We have put together our checklist of Top 10 areas to focus on to identify your priorities, along with tips to help you kick-start your Financial Wellness program for 2024.
Do these relaxing summer days have you contemplating early retirement before age 65? The Pandemic and Working from Home (WFH) has more people contemplating retiring early. By planning and being realistic, you can move toward an early retirement with a greater level of confidence.
By far the most difficult part of a financial plan is determining how much you spend. Few people can quantify their annual spend rate, so you are not alone. Here is a worksheet to help you get started
Congress passed a long-awaited retirement bill, dubbed “SECURE Act 2.0,” in late December as part of a broader omnibus spending bill.
Getting control of your financial life is one of the top New Year’s resolutions. We’ve compiled a checklist of suggestions to help you get started on this goal.
With less than a month left in this calendar year, we want to remind you of a few last-minute financial moves that you might want to consider.
With the upcoming “Millionaire’s Tax” ballot initiative in Massachusetts (“MA”) proposing to tax people earning over a $1,000,000 an extra 4%, and the fact that Massachusetts is one of only 17 states to have an estate or inheritance tax....
With significant stock market volatility since the beginning of the year, the Federal Reserve continuing to raise interest rates to quell inflation, the war in Europe dragging on, and the mid-term elections occurring next month, it makes a lot of sense to keep a portion of your investment portfolio in cash until markets settle down.
There has been a surge of do-it-yourself (DIY) investors opening discount brokerage accounts and trading stocks.
In 2003, health savings accounts (HSAs) were established as a way for people to save tax-free money for qualified medical expenses. An HSA is a benefit available to individuals who have