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Thought Leadership By Our Team

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Retirement Visa – What You Need to Know

The allure of living abroad can promise a better climate, a lower cost of living, and a higher quality of life if you find the right country to move to in your golden years. A retirement visa is one document that can help you turn that retirement goal into a reality.

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Second Quarter Market Update: Top Heavy Returns Drive U.S. Performance

Equities got off to a rocky start in April with a small pullback of about 5.5% in the S&P 500. However, sentiment quicky changed in May and June as a continuation of solid economic data combined with tamer inflation gave a boost to stocks and propelled the S&P to new all-time highs the last two months. For the quarter, the S&P 500 total return rose 4.3%, after a stunning 10.6% rise in the first quarter.

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SECURE ACT 2.0: New Retirement Plan Rules

The 2023 fiscal year-end government funding bill contained legislation that makes the most significant changes to the U.S. retirement savings system in decades. The SECURE 2.0 Act builds on retirement savings changes passed in 2019 and contains new provisions that further raise the required minimum distribution (RMD) age, shift to automatic plan enrollment and provide for new matching/emergency withdrawal opportunities.

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JANUARY: Financial Wellness Month

With January being designated as “Financial Wellness Month,” we encourage you to start the new year embracing new possibilities and setting financial goals as a first step in working toward a more secure financial future. It’s a great time to work on improving your financial health and to take a hard look at our financial habits. We have put together our checklist of Top 10 areas to focus on to identify your priorities, along with tips to help you kick-start your Financial Wellness program for 2024.

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2024 Market Outlook: All Things in Moderation

Last year, we titled our outlook piece “Prospects Brighten as Fed Slows” with the focus on the Federal Reserve because we believed it held the majority of control over the path of the economy and financial markets. That was the correct narrative as we waited with bated breath for every monthly economic report on prices, jobs, wages, and interest rates, which all went the direction we wanted.

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2023 Market in Review: The Great Investment Year No One Saw Coming

The year 2023 was the investment year we had all hoped for, but no one was expecting. Coming off 2022, which saw double digit declines in both equities and fixed income, most Wall Street economists called for a 100% chance of recession in the U.S. economy in 2023. The “Great American Job Market” had other ideas. With inflation coming under control and unemployment rates at historic lows, the American consumer remained strong, corporate balance sheets shrugged off higher interest rates, and the S&P 500 ended the year up an impressive 26.3% total return.

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Provide the Gift of Education With 529 Plan Contributions

Given the rising cost of a college education, many grandparents and family members are looking to help contribute to education expenses for their grandchildren and relatives. While it is possible to pay tuition to universities directly and be exempt from gift taxes, this exemption only applies to tuition payments, and non-tuition expenses can comprise up to 50% of total expenses for college students.

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