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Thought Leadership By Our Team

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Considering Early Retirement?

Do these relaxing summer days have you contemplating early retirement before age 65? The Pandemic and Working from Home (WFH) has more people contemplating retiring early. By planning and being realistic, you can move toward an early retirement with a greater level of confidence.

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2023 Summer Reading List

This gorgeous weather has us thinking about summer plans and what we will be reading. Each year, we take great pleasure in curating our Sandy Cove Reading List, gathering suggestions for our clients, friends, and family.

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Losing a Parent

The death of a parent can be one of life’s most difficult experiences, at any age. During what may be an emotionally overwhelming time, there are often time-sensitive and practical matters to attend to.

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Get Ready to File Your Taxes

The tax season is officially here and it is time to get yourself ready. Everyone’s tax situation is different, but here is a listing of common tax forms and records you should have prior to filing your tax return.

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What Makes You Happy

This is a good month to take stock of relationships that are important to you. Investing in friends and hobbies is an important part of life planning.

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Get Your Arms Around Spending

By far the most difficult part of a financial plan is determining how much you spend. Few people can quantify their annual spend rate, so you are not alone. Here is a worksheet to help you get started

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