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Your team of professionals.

The Investment Committee

Deirdre Prescott,  CDFA® Photo
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Deirdre Prescott, CDFA®

Founder, President

Deirdre Prescott, CDFA®

Deirdre prides herself on being a collaborative problem solver. She has always been good with numbers and is genuinely inspired to help people. Combined with her skills as a good listener and a strong sense of intuition, Deirdre is able to guide clients through the complexities of their financial affairs acting as a sounding board, confidant, trusted advisor and friend..  

Early on in her career, Deirdre found her niche in wealth management as a way to combine her strengths, passions, and desire to empower others in the management of their financial affairs. Given Deirdre’s skill sets and personal experiences, she is uniquely positioned to guide clients through complex situations and decisions acting as a sounding board, confidant, advisor and friend.

Relevant Experience

As the founder of Sandy Cove Advisors, Deirdre works with her clients to develop customized solutions to integrate their wealth transfer, philanthropic, tax and investment objectives. She is deeply devoted to the philosophy of education and partnering with her clients to ensure they understand and are able to participate in the management of their wealth.

Professional and Community Involvement

Deirdre is a Past President of the Boston Estate Planning Council, served on its Executive Committee for five years and also served as a two-term board member. She sits on Providence College's National Board of Overseers and is on their Greater Boston President’s Council. Deirdre is also a member of The Boston Foundation’s Professional Advisors Committee, a Board Member for the Norwell VNA and is engaged in many volunteer activities.  


Deirdre lives in Cohasset with her husband and young adult children. During her free time, she enjoys traveling and staying active playing tennis, golf and cycle spinning.


  • 25+ years in wealth management and private banking prior to founding Sandy Cove Advisors
  • Held senior Private Client positions at BNY Mellon and Lehman Brothers


  • B.S. in Accounting, Providence College, 1985
  • Master’s in Finance, Bentley College, 1999
Kate Saltonstall, CFA® Photo Kate Saltonstall, CFA® Hover Photo
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Kate Saltonstall, CFA®

Senior Relationship Manager, Chief Operating Officer

Kate Saltonstall, CFA®

ksaltonstall@sandycoveadvisors.com | 617.622.1503

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Kate Saltonstall is the Chief Investment Officer at Sandy Cove Advisors and brings many years of investment experience to the firm.  Kate works with our clients to ensure their financial goals translate into successful investment strategies.  Given our holistic approach to our clients, Kate works very closely with both Toni and Deirdre to ensure the financial and overall estate plans are integrated into a client’s allocation and investment selections.  She also heads our Investment Committee which help determine strategic portfolio asset allocation, portfolio construction, manager selection and portfolio risk management. 

Relevant Experience

Kate brings over 26 years of relevant financial experience to Sandy Cove Advisors having been a stock analyst and mutual fund portfolio manager in her first 16 years of her career and for the last 9 years as an investment advisor for families and individuals.  She has seen many markets ups and downs over her long career and is a strong investment navigator through these times.  Her primary goal is helping clients invest their hard-earned capital to pursue their long-term investments goals.  Kate prides herself on listening closely to her clients' needs and goals before considering what customized asset allocation and portfolio construction are an ideal fit for each relationship.  

Professional and Community Involvement

Kate is a member of the CFA Society in Boston having earned her chartered financial analyst designation in 2001.  She is an advocate for women in finance and is a member of many Boston and national organizations that are strong mentors and proponents of women's financial education and career development.  Kate is a member of the Women's Program Initiative at CFA Boston, SheGives-Boston, Boston Women in Finance, and also volunteers as an educational speaker at such venues as the South Shore YMCA.  Kate has also been a member of the Boston Estate Planning Council (BEPC) since 2014.


Kate lives in Hingham with her husband and their adult children are also nearby in Cohasset.  When not watching the markets Kate enjoys golfing, boating, family time on Nantucket and exploring the wonders of Italy whenever she can.  Kate is also a patron of conservation and public space endeavors and is a proud member of The Trustees of the Reservation and the Nantucket Conservation Foundation.  


  • Previous experience includes over 26 years of financial and investment work in key analyst and portfolio manager roles at firms including BlackRock, Boston Partners and  Brown Advisory.

Education & Professional Designations

  • B.A. in International Relations from Lehigh University
  • M.B.A., Tulane University
  • Chartered Financial Analyst designation (CFA)
Jennifer Mitchell,  CDFA® Photo
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Jennifer Mitchell, CDFA®

Managing Director

Jennifer Mitchell, CDFA®

One of Jennifer’s greatest joys is to see people truly live and enjoy their lives, knowing they have a financial plan in place, a target in mind, and a strategy that’s being implemented. Her purpose is to help clients get their “financial house” in order by aligning investments with current and future goals and then marrying that with with an estate plan. 

As a Managing Director at Sandy Cover Advisors, Jennifer provides thoughtful investment and wealth advisory solutions appropriate for each client’s goals.  She works with clients and advisors in the Tri State Area to integrate, implement, and advise on customized investment strategies and wealth management solutions. She also works with snowbird clients in Florida. As a member of Sandy Cove's investment committee, she is very passionate and dedicated to developing personalized investment strategies for unique client situations.

Jennifer and her husband have been happily married for more than 25 years. They enjoy spending time at their home in Florida, and are passionate golfers. They enjoy combining both traveling and playing golf and have done so across the world. Jennifer’s favorite golf course is The Portsalon Golf Club in Donegal, Ireland.  She divides her time between the U.S. and London.


  • Prior to joining Sandy Cove Advisors, Jennifer spent 25 years in various senior positions at  JPMorgan Private Bank and Lehman Brothers/Barclays Wealth


  • Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University.  She holds a Master in Business Administration from Harvard University.

Maureen Depp Photo
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Maureen Depp

Investment Committee

Maureen Depp


Maureen Depp is a part of the Sandy Cove Advisors Investment Committee. Maureen is an investment professional with 30+ years of experience as an equity analyst and portfolio manager. 

Relevant Experience

Maureen has worked at several prestigious investment firms including Wellington Management, State Street Management & Research and Loomis Sayles. Maureen is particularly helpful in evaluating Large Cap and International investment strategies.  Maureen is currently a Managing Director at Golden Seeds, an angel group which provides early stage and growth capital to women entrepreneurs. The firm has nearly 300 members with over $80M invested in more than 76 companies. Investments primarily are made in health care, technology, and consumer industries.