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Thought Leadership By Our Team

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2022 Summer Reading List

We take great pleasure, twice a year, in switching gears and curating a list to appeal on a more personal level to our clients, friends and family; our Summer Reading List and our Holiday Gift Guide. As avid readers, we always enjoy putting our summer reading list together for you.

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Helping the Ukranians

Since the initial invasion of Ukraine in February, hundreds of thousands of people have fled the country. We offer several resources to support the people of Ukraine as well as a word of caution for avoiding donation scams.

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Your 2022 Tax Filing Season To-Do List

The tax season is officially here and millions of Americans are getting their documents together to file their tax returns. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is encouraging people to file their taxes quickly...

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January Market Volatility

It has probably escaped no one that the equity markets have taken a turn for the worse in the first 4 weeks of 2022. After hitting another all-time high on January 3rd, the S&P 500 index fell over 7.5% in a short period of time

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