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Thought Leadership By Our Team

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Last Wishes & Instructions to Family

A post-mortem letter is not meant to replace a Will and is not a legal document, but it can provide a family with instructions during a very emotional time. This advanced planning and consideration is a gift that you can provide your family as to your last wishes and to help alleviate any stress on next steps.

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Get Organized: Digitizing Personal Documents

Computers are very good at searching. Computers are also excellent at retrieval. No matter how fast and efficiently you think you can find and retrieve information in your house from pieces of paper, rest assured, computers can do it faster.

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Roth Opportunities for Teens and Young Adults

A Roth IRA offers tax-free growth, making it a very attractive vehicle for young investors to take advantage of decades of compounding. If a child has earned income (reported on a tax return) from a summer job or other work, a full or partial Roth contribution may be an option. Earned income does not include interest or dividends.

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