Despite some interesting headlines and cross currents, markets generally traded in a tight band. Small Cap Stocks and MLPs led to the upside while International stocks turned in the weakest performance.
We hope you are enjoying this lovely summer weather. In this newsletter, we update you on the goings on around Sandy Cove, review the markets at this halfway point and highlight the differences and advantages between a Roth 401(k) and a Traditional 401(k).
Deirdre spoke at Fidelity’s Inside Track conference about recruiting women coming back into the workforce.
We always enjoy compiling our list of books for your summer reading pleasure!
We hope you are enjoying the early spring season. In this newsletter, we review the interesting start to the year for the markets, and highlight some of the major changes to tax reform and how they can impact your tax situation going forward.
Watch what they do, not just what they say, three studies suggest
We hope you are enjoying all that a New England fall has to offer. In this newsletter, we review the markets, congratulate our colleagues on their new certifications, cover Last Wishes and Instructions and discuss Cyber Security tips and tricks.
The Sandy Cove Advisors team is constantly striving to develop professionally to enrich the experience our clients enjoy. There are many opportunities to seek out continuing education, and this quarter two of our colleagues went the extra yard and received certifications.
A post-mortem letter is not meant to replace a Will and is not a legal document, but it can provide a family with instructions during a very emotional time. This advanced planning and consideration is a gift that you can provide your family as to your last wishes and to help alleviate any stress on next steps.
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, so we would like to take this annual opportunity to share some best practices, discuss the use of public WiFi, and shed some light on some increasingly growing threats.
In this quarterly newsletter, we are taking the opportunity to not only review the markets but to also introduce our Investment Committee and explain how they are integral to our investment process.