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Thought Leadership By Our Team

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Mid-Year Market Update: The Great Inflation Debate

Despite the major volatility during and following the global pandemic in 2019, the S&P 500 has not had a 5% correction or more since October 2019. This “boring” or “calm” market condition usually means a rising market and that has certainly been the case this year with the S&P 500 up 15.3% through June 30th.

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April Market Update: Relentless Rally

APRIL EQUITY MARKETS: Equities posted another solid month of returns gaining strength from economic data that was both backward looking and forward looking as most public companies reported first quarter earnings in April and discussed favorable earnings outlooks.

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2020 Year-End Tax Planning

With the year-end fast approaching, it is time to consider some strategic moves to reduce your 2020 tax bill. This year’s market activity makes it all the more important for clients and advisors to consider tax saving strategies. Where appropriate, realizing gains...

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