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What We're Reading....May 24, 2019

What We’re Reading….Catch up Memorial Day weekend reads…

  • Three Simple Steps to Building Wealth…Make, Save, Invest (Investopedia) –Suellen, Toni
  • Why Walking is the Key to Being More Productive (GQ) -
  • Inside the Decades-Long Cage Match Between Mark Zuckerberg and the Winklevoss Twins (Vanity Fair) -Toni
  • Don’t Take Social Security Early Even Though It’s Running Out of Money (Barron's) - Katy
  • Even Harvard Is Now Teaching Personal Finance: Professor offering financial-literacy workshops aims to make them relevant to students with diverse economic backgrounds (Wall Street Journal) - Deirdre
  • What Would Leonardo da Vinci Think of the Future? ( Sapiens 
  • Retirement Questions You Need to Ask Your Spouse - (Barron's) -Rob
  • The 13 craziest slides that show SoftBank's vision for the next 300 years (BI) - Rob
  • The Advantages – and limitations – of Loving to 100 (Wall Street Journal)
  • WHAT?? A Whopping 43% of Americans Believe Socialism Would Be Good For the Nation (The Gateway Pundit)