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What We're Reading...May 17,2019

What We’re Reading…

  • Can CBD Really Do All That? How one molecule from the cannabis plant came to be seen as a therapeutic cure-all.(New York Times Magazine) –Deirdre
  • Is Ambition Overrated? (Esquire) –Toni
  • Cars will change more in the next decade than they have in the past century (the Conversation) –Rob
  • 17 Great Getaways For This Memorial Day Weekend (Wall Street Journal -Suellen
  • Amazon is Spending Billions on Internet Satellites, Self-Driving Cars as Revenue Growth Slows (CNBC)- Katie
  • 10 Things Real-Estate Agents Wish They Could Tell You — but Won’t ( Business Insider ) -Deirdre
  • Sports Gear Designed for Women’s Bodies — Not Stereotypes: From sneakers to space suits, most gear is still designed for men’s bodies. How to avoid brands that just “shrink it and pink it” ( Wall Street Journal ) – Toni
  • How the Hell Has Danielle Steel Managed to Write 179 Books? (Glamour) –Suellen