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What We're Reading...May 10, 2019

What We’re Reading…..

  • How Compounding Works in the Stock Market (Wealth of Common Sense) – Suellen
  • Bernie Sanders Tax Return Shows Perils of Do-It-Yourself Tax Prep (Wall Street Journal) – Deirdre
  • 8 Reasons Why It’s So Hard to Really Change Your Behavior (Psychology Today) - Courtney
  • The No.1 Job Billionaires and Multimillionaires Held Before They Got Rich (Market Watch) – Rob
  • Forces That Move Stock Prices (Investopedia) –Suellen
  • 5 Financial Questions Breadwinners Should Ask Before They Get Married (Barron’s) – Deirdre
  • Warren Buffett’s Case for Capitalism (DealBook) and  Warren Buffett Says Stocks are ‘Ridiculously Cheap’ if Interest Rates Stay at These Levels (CNBC)  -Rob