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What We're Reading...June 21, 2019

What We’re Reading…  June 21, 2019

  • These 16 Money Wasters Are Why So Many Americans Can’t Save For Retirement (MarketWatch) Deirdre
  • Decades After Life Took Them Down One Path, These Women are Reinventing Themselves (Washington Post) Courtney
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Over The Next Five Years (Forbes) Katie
  • Boston Built a New Waterfront Just in Time for the Apocalypse (Bloomberg) Suellen
  • Why Brokers Must Stop Calling Themselves “Advisors” (Barron’s)  Toni
  • A Growing Problem in Real Estate: Too Many Too Big Houses (Wall Street Journal) Deirdre
  • How to Make Better (and quicker) Decisions (Get Rich Slowy) Suellen