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What We're Reading....January 18, 2019

What We’re Reading….January 18, 2019

  • A Must-See Gymnast, and the Meaning of Joy: A viral floor routine may prove to be the sports highlight of 2019 (Wall Street Journal) – Rob
  • The Average Retirement Savings by Age (Investopedia)  - Suellen
  • Diversification is (Almost) Undefeated (Wealth of Common Sense) –Rob
  • Financial New Year’s Resolutions That Are Easy to Keep (Investopedia) – Courtney 
  • Stocks Rally on Average 30% When This Happens in DC ( CNBC) - Katie 
  • Vanguard's John Bogle, Revolutionized Retirement Savings, Dies at 89 ( Inquirer ) ....and John C. Bogle: A Look Back at the Life of Vanguard’s Founder (Vanguard)  -Deirdre
  • Is Marijuana as Safe as We Think? .... Malcom Gladwell Asks (New Yorker) –Toni