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What We're Reading....February 1, 2019

  • What We’re Reading…
  • The Psychological Trap That Could Quietly Kill Your RetirementEven Millionaires Aren't Immune. (Money) – Toni  
  • CBD Goes Mainstream as Bars and Coffee Shops add Weed-Related Drinks to Menus (CNBC) – Katie 
  • Gen Z’s Lesson for Surviving in Our Tech-Obsessed World (Wall Street Journal) – Katie 
  • Expecting a big Tax refund? Don’t Be So Sure (Wall Street Journal) –Toni 
  • Time for Happiness (Harvard Business Review)  see also Multiply Your Time by Asking 4 Questions About the Stuff on Your To-Do List (TED)  –Courtney
  • The 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods in America (Two in MA) (Investopedia)– Courtney
  • Quit Social Media.Your Brain Will Thank You. This Is Your Brain Off Facebook (New York Times) - Suellen
  • Want to Transform Your life? Stop Chasing Perfection (the Guardian) - Suellen
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders to Propose an Estate tax Up to 77% on Wealthy (Time) – Deirdre