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What We're Reading.....August 9, 2019

What We're Reading.....August 9, 2019

Making of the Modern Athlete. A Conversation with David Epstein & Malcom Gladwell (YouTube) and Generalization vs Specialization: Understanding the Boarding School Model (Proctor Academy) - Deirdre

How the Beyond Meat Sausage Is Made (Bloomberg Businessweek) - Toni

• NYSE Floor Traders are Facing Job Extinction (NY Post) – Rob Quoted

• The Age of Envy: How to be Happy When Everyone Else’s Life Looks Perfect (The Guardian) - Suellen

How Does Tom Brady Do It? It starts with science and ends with something less precise. (Washington Post) - Deirdre

• How to Change Your Money Mindset Next Year, According to Science (Chime) – Courtney,  Katie

• 6 Reasons We Make Bad Decisions, and What to Do About Them (Harvard Business Review) - Deirdre