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What We're Reading....April 26, 2019

What We're Reading......

  • The Case Against Early Retirement (Wall Street Journal)  – Suellen
  • This is Why Everyone Thinks They Are Middle Class (even if they aren’t): It might not feel that way, but you might actually be upper middle class. (Fast Company) -Toni
  • The Biggest Financial Mistakes Retirees Make, #1 Investing too Conservatively (Wall Street Journal) - Deirdre
  • The Future Is Still Bright for The Vanguard Information Technology ET ( Seeking Alpha) –Toni
  • Driving? The Kids Are So Over It ( Wall Street Journal ) -Suellen
  • Be Afraid: A Boston Sports Apocalypse is Brewing (Wall Street Journal)–Rob
  • Feeling Overwhelmed With Debt? Here Are 14 Ways to Get Your Financial Life in Order (GoBankingRates) –Rob , Katie
  • Stocks Just Hit a Record. Thank the Fed. (New York Times) – Deirdre