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What We're Reading This Week...Friday, November 2nd

What We're Reading:

  • A Dozen Lessons About Business From Anthony Bourdain - Kitchen Confidential: “Not giving a sh*t has been a very successful business model for me.” (25iq)
  • Uber-Inequality: The middle class is an accident (L2)
  • What If Only Women Voted? Only Men? Only Nonwhite Voters? (FiveThirtyEight)
  • Zuckerberg Is Betting the Future of Facebook on Video, Instagram.
  • Ugliness Is Underrated: Ugly Fashion ( Paris Review), How Athleisure Conquered Modern Fashion-Yoga pants, tennis shoes, and the 100-year history of how sports changed the way Americans dress (the Atlantic)
  • Everything You Need to Know About the New Tax Law — Before the End of the Year – Answers to Common Questions ( Wall Street Journal)