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What We're Reading This Week....Friday January 11, 2019

What We're Reading This Week...Friday January 11, 2019

  • Amazon’s Jeff Bezos  is Divorcing and Has No Prenup- $67 Billion on the Line (Fox) –Deirdre 
  • 2018: The Year in Charts (Pension Partners) - Rob
  • Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Individual Tax Rates as High as 70% (Market Week) and...Dance Video by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Inspires Delight. Condemnation? Not So Much. (New York Times)
  • How to Make Sure You're on Track With Your Retirement Savings- New Retirement Contribution Limits (CNBC) - Toni
  • Stock Market’s Correction Gets Rudely Interrupted (Bloomberg Opinion
  • Corporate Boards Are Diversifying. The C-Suite Isn’t (Washington Post) -Deirdre
  • 1 Woman, 12 Months, 52 Places (New York Times)      
  • Are You in the Top 1% in the World? (Investopedia)
  • Cancer Deaths Decline 27% (Wall Street Journal) - Suellen
  • A Complete Guide to Healthy, Sustainable Weight Loss in 2019 (GQ)  - Courtney