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What We're Reading This Week.....Friday December 7, 2018

What We’re reading

  • George H.W. Bush was the nice guy who finished first.; George H.W. Bush Was a Better President Than Reagan or Clinton (Slate)
  • About the Future: We Asked 105 Experts What Worries Them Most (Vice) and What Gives Them Hope (Vice)
  • The Bloomberg 50: The People Who Defined Business in 2018 (Bloomberg)
  • 52 things I learned in 2018 (Medium)
  • American Exceptionalism May Be Ending — at Least in Stocks: The S&P 500’s dominance over the MSCI All Country World Index looks shaky (Wall Street Journal)
  • Bitcoin is close to becoming worthless (MarketWatch); see also Crypto Winter Is Here and We Only Have Ourselves to Blame (Coindesk