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What We're Reading This Week....Friday December 21, 2018

What We're Reading This Weekend......

  • The Joy of Giving Lasts Longer Than the Joy of Getting (Science News)
  • Year in Pictures 2018 (Bloomberg)
  • The Best Doesn’t Exist. A Psychologist Explains Why We Can’t Stop Searching. (Vox)
  • The 38 Best Restaurants in America (Eater)
  • Barron’s 2019 Outlook: US Stocks Could Rally About 10% (Barron’s
  • Facebook Doesn’t Need to Sell Your Data. It Has Been Giving it Away Free For Years (Recode); see also Amazon and Facebook Reportedly Had a Secret Data-Sharing Agreement (Gizmodo)
  • Annuities Are Sold, Not Bought (Belle Curve
  • Are You in the Top One Percent of the World? (Investopedia)