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What We're Reading This Week....... Friday December 28, 2018

What We’re Reading….

  • For a Great Laugh-Most Popular New Yorker Cartoons of 2018 (New Yorker)
  • Why Wall Street is Freaking Out and Economists Aren't (CNN)
  • Don't Laugh, The Fed Will Be Cutting Rates (CNBC) AND Counterview: Three Reasons Why The Fed Wants to Keep Raising Rates (MW)
  • Mike Bloomberg is Prepared to Spend $100 Million+ on a 2020 Campaign (CNBC)
  • 99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2018: The world didn’t fall apart this year. You were just getting your news from the wrong places (Medium)
  • 33 Mostly Free Ways to Fix Your Family’s Tech Problems (Wall Street Journal)
  • New Flights to the Caribbean This Winter, an Island-by-Island Guide (New York Times)