What We're Reading... September 6, 2019
What We're Reading This Weekend... September 6, 2019
• Negative Interest Rates Are Extremely Toxic (The Market)
• The Market Forces That Propelled a Massive Rally in Long Bonds (Wall Street Journal) see also Positive yields ahoy! Investors hoover up European junk bond issues (Reuters)
• The Evolution of Tennis in Four Grips (New York Times) - Toni
• Five rules to Improve Your Financial Health (Investopedia)
• Citizen Ray: Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio is the wise uncle you wished you had (TechCrunch)
• The Big Short’s Michael Burry Explains Why Index Funds Are Like Subprime CDOs (Bloomberg) - Deirdre
• How the plastic bottle went from miracle container to hated garbage (National Geographic) - Courtney
• Why the First Million is the Hardest (Investopedia) - Katie