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What We're Reading... October 2019

What We’re Reading…

  • Wealth Tax Showdown (NPR) - Deirdre
  • Why NFL Star Michael Bennett Skips Direct Deposit and Keeps his Checks 'until the end of the season'  (CNBC)- Toni
  • Can A Burger Help Solve Climate Change?  (The New Yorker) - Suellen
  • The 0.1% Rule Why We No Longer Fight About Money (Margin of Saving) - Courtney
  • Tesla is Buying Computer Vision Start-up DeepScale in a Quest to Create Truly Driverless Cars (CNBC) - Katie
  • Why Forever 21 Stands Out in the Retail Space  (The Week) - Suellen
  • Vaping Related Lung Injuries Surge to 805 Cases, CDC Says (Bloomberg) - Deirdre
  • Here Are Five of the Highest Paying College Majors Available Today (Forbes) - Toni
  • Don’t Expect Calm Markets in October, Historically a Month for Wild Swings (CNBC) - Kate
  • 8 Daily Rituals Most Millionaires Have in Common (I am 1 Percent) - Courtney

  • Read more from this month's "Perspectives"