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What We're Reading Into Labor Day Weekend.....August 30, 2019

What We're Reading into Labor Day Weekend.....August 30, 2019

• Wills of Jeffrey Epstein, Aretha Franklin Raise Questions of Legitimacy (Investment News Daily) - Deirdre

• ‘Bizarro World’: Behind the Normally Staid Bond Market’s Weird, Wild Summer (Fortune) – Rob Quoted 

• We Should All Be Reading More Ursula Le Guin: Her novels imagine other worlds, but her theory of fiction can help us better live in this one (The Outline) - Katie

• Central Banks Just Love Gold (Bloomberg) –Suellen  

• Telling the Truth About Tennis (Wall Street Journal) - Deirdre

• The Science of Well-Being (Coursera) see also Yale’s most popular class ever to be available via Coursera (Yale)

• Andrew Luck retired young, and was hailed for his courage. Barry Sanders was called a quitter. (Washington Post) - Courtney

• The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials (The Atlantic)