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What we are Reading, Watching and Listening to!

Here's what we are reading.


Warren Buffet Berkshire Hathaway’s Annual Meeting Letter and Transcript

Before You Request Mortgage Forbearance, Here Is What You Should Know About Its Effects On Your Credit Score, Future Home Loans And Other Options

Even if loan servicers have been offering forbearance under the federal CARES Act – and a slew of clarifying rules by the government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – for about six weeks now, confusion persists among borrowers.   Read in Forbes: 

Why Michelle Obama Changed the Dress Code for White House Butlers

Incredible! As if we couldn’t admire her anymore, Michelle Obama made a major — and empowering — dress code change while living in the White House. During her new Netflix documentary Becoming, the former first lady admits that after moving into the White House she decided to ditch the butler’s tuxedos.

Expanded Telehealth has Provided a Boost for Rural America.  Will it Last?

Just How Dangerous is the Murder Hornet

Foreign Students stranded by Coronavirus

The Government Still Doesn’t Know How Many Nursing Homes Have Coronavirus Outbreaks

Movie Night?  Here's what we are watching.  Grab Your Popcorn.

The World’s Fastest Indian (Anthony Hopkins) – Amazon Prime

The After Life Seasons 1&2 (Ricky Gervais) – Netflix

World On Fire – PBS

Defending Jabob – Apple Plus TV

Bad Education, HBO

The Report, on Amazon Prime

Here's what we are listening to!

Tribe of Mentors

Stuff You Should Know

The New Corner Office with Laura Vanderkam