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What We’re Reading….These Articles Caught Our Eyes This Week….April 12, 2019

What We’re Reading….These Articles Caught Our Eye This Week….April 12, 2019

  • Eight Things to Know about the Best College Loan (Wealth Management) –Toni
  • Grandparents Spending $179 Billion Annually On Grandkids (AARP) – Deirdre 
  • Tips on Managing Money As a Couple (Investopedia) –Katie 
  • Uber Files with SEC to Go Public in the Year’s Most Anticipated Tech IPO (Washington Post) – Katie
  • Ray Dalio on Why Capitalism Must be Reformed (Mathematical Investor); see also Redistribution Won’t End Wealth Inequality (Bloomberg Opinion) -Rob
  • All Around Me I See Golden Crosses (Topdown Charts) –Rob
  • These books spark joy: The bursting, beautiful shelves of famous bibliophiles (Washington Post